How to write a parser

All parsers should inherit from flamingo.core.parser.ContentParser. This class contains all logic how to handle meta data. A parser needs to have an attribute FILE_EXTENSIONS which has to be a list of strings with extensions this parser is capable of.

Every parser needs a method parse(). When a file gets parsed parse() gets the content of a file and a flamingo.Content object passed in.

from flamingo.core.parser import ContentParser

class TxtParser(ContentParser):
    FILE_EXTENSIONS = ['txt']

    def parse(self, file_content, content):
        # ContentParser.parse_meta_data takes the file content and the
        # content object, extracts the YAML meta data of the file, sets
        # them in the content object and returns the remaining markup
        # (in this case simple text that is no YAML)
        # ContentParser.parse_meta_data sets content['content_offset']
        # to the offset at which the actual content (txt) begins
        # You don't have to call this method if your file type should not
        # support meta data.
        markup_string = self.parse_meta_data(file_content, content)

        # every parser should set at least 'content_title' and
        # 'content_body' for compatibility between plugins
        content['content_title'] = 'Title'
        content['content_body'] = markup_string

class Txt:
    def parser_setup(self, context):